Arm® 调试器和跟踪
Total Arm® 调试和跟踪
Arm® IP 广泛应用于全球几乎所有可以想象到的嵌入式设计中。与传统的架构 相比,基于 RISC 的指令集具有低功耗、低发热量和更低硅成本的特点,因此非常适合移动或电池供电应用。它们具有全面的调试内核、高速跟踪接口、众多互连和设计灵活性,难怪会成为芯片 (SoC) 和模块化系统 (SoM) 设计的不二之选。
TRACE32 provides a complete suite of tools for Arm®-based micro-processors, from the low cost µTrace for Cortex-M debug and trace, all the way up to the flagship PowerTrace III and PowerTrace Serial family of tools for capturing high speed off-chip parallel TPIU or serial HSSTP trace. All of these provide unparalleled levels of debug capabilities, allowing you to get the best out of your Arm® based embedded design.
更详细地了解高速 SoC
同时捕捉多个内核和其他系统源的程序流程、数据访问和任务切换的精美细节。PowerTrace Serial 具有高达 100 GBit/s 的快速比特率和大型数据缓冲器,可让您从顶层模块交互到单个指令的时序来探索设备的运行情况。
进一步了解我们的调试系统您想使用哪个ARM 内核?
Many Arm® processors include some kind of trace interface, providing program flow and optional data trace can be generated non-intrusively at run-time and either stored in dedicated on-chip memory or spooled off-chip via a trace port, typically TPIU or HSSTP. Options also exist for instrumented trace, allowing you to log only the event that matter to enhance your debug workflow. Many cores that are associated with SoCs are capable of generating trace data and inserting it into the trace stream, effectively allowing all cores to share a physical trace connection. This trace information is timestamped and provides incredible levels of detail for analysis of all aspects of your target system.

您想使用哪个ARM 内核?
您可以使用各种基于 Arm® 的虚拟目标对应用代码和算法进行测试和改进。TRACE32 允许您使用与实际硬件相同的熟悉工具集和用户界面在虚拟目标上工作。这就减少了额外培训的需要,意味着您可以从第一天起就立即上手,提高工作效率。
可与任何支持多核调试 API(MCD)(调试和跟踪)或 GDB(调试)的virtual target 协同工作。完全支持Arm的快速模型和 IRIS 接口。
TRACE32 支持的所有架构 都具有以下功能。如果此处未列出您的设备或工具,请与我们联系;支持通常已经在路上。